Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lieberman comes out as bipartisan

OK liberals. I really don't get you. I thought you were the ones who favored gay marriage, who thought the gays should be able to serve in the military and adopt children. I thought you were touchy feely about gender and sexuality. So why are you and "al-Qaeda" types attacking Joe Lieberman because he’s bipartisan? Why, all of a sudden, are liberals being so partisan-normative? Other politicians pretend to be bipartisan, but we all know they're bi-curious at best, dabbling in bipartisan agreements, experimenting with political reach-arounds across the aisle only when other politicians are looking. And once they've graduated to a senior senator, they've definitely outgrown it. We've all heard the term "BUG" or "Bi Until Graduation."

But Lieberman is the real deal, not some politician in a Senators Gone Wild video. For Joe, bipartisanship is not a phase or a fad, but rather an inherent part of his identity. Lieberman knows we're all on a political spectrum and he recognizes that it’s not about your voting records or your party. It’s about being in office.. In fact, Joe likes to wear his "F#*& your party" buttons and drive with a “labels are for jars” bumper sticker (not to be confused with a car label). Joe is fluid he’s run with Al Gore AND he’s kissed George W. Bush. And at the end of the day, Joe can go home to Hadassah, who not only accepts, but encourages her husband’s political three-ways.

So Liberals, (and al-Qaeda types), listen up!

He's here, he's bi, get used it... and vote for him!


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