Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What does Ahmadinejad really think about Israel? Guess We'll Never Know

This Sunday's New York Times had an article entitled Iranian 101: A Lesson for Americans The Fine Art of Hiding What You Mean to Say

The article explains that Iranians speak in a kind of diplomatic and indirect code, called Taroof, which consists of sugar-coating what they really think, offering fake praise, in order to avoid conflict.

I have one thing to say to this expose: "Nu-Duh." We already know this, New York Times. We already know that Iranians speak that way because we've all heard Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad practice Taroff. If saying that "Israel must be wiped off the map," and calling the Holocaust a "myth" isn't sugar-coated diplomacy, I don't know what is. I wish Ahmadinejad would quit sweet-talking Israel and the U.S., and say what's really on his mind. But I guess he's just speaking in Taroof. It's just part of his culture.

Well thanks a lot New York Times. Thanks a lot for, once again, shoddy reporting, wasting space, and pointing out the obvious.

You know who could learn from Mahmoud "Mamo" Ahmadinejad's discretion? Mel Gibson. I'll admit that Gibson put his stigmatad foot in his mouth when he said "Fu**ing Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the war in the world." But, the liberal media, run and controlled by you know who, has unfairly crucified Mel Gibson. Gibson is no anti-Semite. Anyone who has seen his movies know this actor is no pacifist. He is not accusing Jews of starting wars: he is commending them. And by asking the arresting offer "Are you a Jew?", Gibson was shattering the stereotype of the Jew as intellectual nerd. He didn't want to assume that a cop couldn't be Jewish, because then he would be making an ASS of U and ME and... the Jews. What Gibson did was actually a mitzvah.


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