Tuesday, October 24, 2006

President Bush: Please Stay the Course! (An open letter to the President)

Dear Mr. President,

Please tell me that the "comrades" over at the New York Times are lying (as usual) when they write you are abandoning your "Stay the Course" catch phrase.

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During this time of violence, change and uncertainty, I've been comforted by being certain of 3 things

1) The War in Iraq is making us safer
2) Republicans are protecting us from the gays
3) We are going to stay the course in Iraq, and you are going to remind us of this at least 5 times a day. (Statistically, every time you say "Stay the Course" a terrorist drops his weapons)

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Well, I feel like my world has been turned upside down. The intelligence community says the war in Iraq is creating MORE terrorism. Dennis Hastert, seen here in his "so sue me" pose, Image Hosted by ImageShack.usdidn't do anything when he found out Mark "Flamer" Foley was flaming after young pages. And you, sir, are cutting and running on your commitment to staying the course. Please stay the course on "stay the course." If I liked Flip Floppers,Image Hosted by ImageShack.us I would have removed people who were going to vote for you-- not Kerry-- from Ohio rosters. Duh!

Either way, I will not cut and run on you O Commander-in-chief, my Commander-in-chief. You will have my vote in 2008! We have a saying down in Texas: "This elephant don't bleed."Image Hosted by ImageShack.us


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