Tuesday, October 10, 2006

new gingrich "comes out" for gay rights

Newt Gingrich has, yet again, proven himself as an advocate for gay rights. Image Hosted by ImageShack.usNewt rightly argued that if Republicans had actually done something about Congressman Foley's "over-friendly" overtures towards a 16-year-old male page, they would "have been accused of gay bashing." Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Newt certainly has his finger on the pulse, limp-wristed as it is, of the gay community. Some of my best friends are homosexuals (Log Cabin Republicans, obviously)Image Hosted by ImageShack.us and every time a pedophile is prosecuted they scream "Stop the gaybashing! I feel like I was just bashed!"

We've always known Newt was an F.O.T.G. (Friend of the gays). He's stood by them and defended their interests, without them even knowing it. Arguing for a constitutional ban on gay marriage, Newt has fought to protect the gays from the bourgeois and mundane institution of marriage that he experienced and suffered. Married life was so tedious for Newt, which is why he served his really annoying wife divorce
papers when she was diagnosed with cancer. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Ever the free spirit, Newt demanded a divorce from his second wife (on mother's day) and married his former congressional aid, with whom he was having an affair. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

So gays, please thank Newt for standing up for you, for protecting you from gay bashing and from gay marriage.


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