Tuesday, October 03, 2006

an open letter to condie (girl talk)

Dear Condie,
I feel really bad that Bob Woodward is picking on you in his new book, State of Denial. It must suck to have the world know that you ignored George Tenet's warning of an Al-Qaeda attack and dropped the ball on 9/11. Initially, you responded by denying having met with Tenet and said the suggestion that you would ignore a terrorist threat was "incomprehensible." But, as a State Department spokesman revealed, it turns out that you did meet with Tenet two months before 9/11 and he did express his fear of an imminent attack. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Now Condie, I was surprised and disappointed. You are a sharp woman and have a good memory, so why the discrepancy? But now that I realize what happened, my heart goes out to you. The answer was in the very book which seeks to crucify you. According to Woodward, Donald Rumsfeld was so bad about returning your phone calls, that Bush had to intervene and tell his Secretary of Defense to call you back. So of course you were distracted. Image Hosted by ImageShack.usYou were heart broken and obsessing over a man who was ignoring you. We've all been there. And it certainly doesn't help when the guy not calling back is one of People Magazine's sexiest men. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

So, Condie, if I were you, I would stop thinking about Rummy and start thinking about national security. I bet the second you start ignoring the Secretary of Defense, and stop ignoring warnings from the head of the CIA, Rummy will be calling you 24/7. That's just the way guys are. It's sad but true.

Keep up the good work and call me if you want more advice,


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