Thursday, March 03, 2005

Pope Diet

Buon Apetito Father. Recovering from his recent tracheotomy Pope John Paul had a breakfast which has sparked the new fad "Pope diet." It consists of:

1) coffee with milk
2) yogurt
3) 10 small cookies.

Speaking of tracheotomies, I don't know about all of you, but I miss hearing the Pope's voice. Luckily we can read his voice in his new book Memory and Identity.

This is what God's rep said about the Holocaust and abortion:

"There is still, however a legal extermination of human beings who have been conceived but not yet born. And this time we are talking about an extermination which has been allowed by nothing less than democratically elected parliaments where one normally hears appeals for the civil progress of society and all humanity."

Some uptight people from Germany's Central Council of Jews called the Pope's comparison "unacceptable."� Before they get their yarmulkes in a bunch, let us take a moment to remember how great the Vatican was during the holocaust. It's nice to know that the Vatican is so vocal in its opposition to this holocaust, just as it was during the first holocaust.

But seriously folks, I should not be ripping on The Pope. He really inspires people and teaches them valuable lessons. Michell Garza, 25, a university student, who says she "put [her]self into to debt" to fly to Italy from Texas to see the Pope explains: "The pope is showing us how important it is to live until you die."


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